In Pyinnyar Pankhin, the science experimental program spnsored by “Shwesin Sakkyar Experss Family, Daw Amar Kyi family and Fun and Learn Education Center” has been done for days( 5/6.5.2018). Students from differen towns such as Myanaung, Kyainkhin, Phayai and Kanaung joined the program.
Science Experimental Program of Fun and Learn Education Center
On 5th and 6th of May, in Pyinnyar Pankhin, Ma Ayeyar Mg Mg’s group, sponsored by Fun and Learn Education Center (web:,, in Yangon will come and teach the subject of Science Experiment that leads the following benefits;
• Science experiments are an incredibly effective means of getting children interacting with the world around them, both inside and outside the classroom,
• Encouraging discussion: Talking about what you see, feel, taste, hear, smell and discover,
• Observing changes: Children have the opportunity to develop their observational skills and identify changes and differences, such as changes in matter; for example, melting ice cubes,
• Predicting: Encouraging children to discuss the possibilities of what will happen in the experiment,
• Asking questions: Science experiments encourage interest and many, many questions,
• Experimenting with the sequencing of steps to carry out the experiment,
• Exploring the natural environment,
• Exploring the man-made environment,
• Using our five senses: For example, smelling or touching and tangible discrimination,
• Considering math concepts: For example, comparing size and weight.
Register for the course.
Registration Place: Pyinnyar Pankhin
Registration Period: April 6th to April 25th
Registrable number of students: 230